
Stay Vigilant!

Hello All -  I have been talking about a soft landing in the economy for a couple of years now, and finally the rest of the media and talking heads are drawing the same conclusion.  As a result…..the stock market is popping!  Here is my message to you.  STAY VIGILANT!

That’s right, try not to get caught up in the mania.  Here’s what I mean: In the past 24 hours I’m getting emails and phone calls from clients all wanting to know about the same stocks. Yes, those stocks are going up now, along with many others. I have no idea what those big gainers do next, but I know this, if you are coming to the same conclusion as everyone else and at the same time, then BE CAREFUL!  It’s real easy to make a bad decision in this business when you start acting on what is already obvious.

I feel we are moving into the middle of the 4th inning now, and this is exactly what is supposed to be happening. I suspect there is much more to come, but picking which names is hard, and buying when they are already high is even harder. Stick with your plan, stay diversified, invest in the ones that have not gone up as much.  Be intelligent and be cautious of FOMO.  Stick with me on this folks, as things are getting interesting now.

One other very important note. Having standardized annual face to face appointments is very challenging to arrange. So please just let us know when you would like to meet up or just visit.  Drop us an email or call us any time. We will respond in a timely manner.

Thank you all and have a wonderful weekend! We are taking new clients at this time.
