
Market Updates with Mike - May 2020

May 2020

The photo shows a two year chart of the S&P 500 stock index with a decline and increaseI want to briefly update you regarding the stock market because it’s behaving incredibly well. The photo shows a two year chart of the S&P 500 stock index. This is a widely followed index and the best one to study, in my opinion. It’s easy to spot the big decline from 3,400 down to 2,200 in February and March. That represented a 35% decline in approximately 30 days. It was deep, it was fast, and it was scary. 

But look at what it’s doing now! It has already made up more than 2/3 of the decline, and it’s still going up. It’s well above the 400 day moving average, which I like to use for identifying the trend. Remember, it’s not looking at today’s news. Today’s news is old news. It’s looking ahead and it likes what it sees. 

I realize the economic impact has been significant and many have been hurt bad. I feel for them and I’m sorry that this happened. It is my job to keep you current and to advise you, and although it will take time, right now it would appear that things are trying to come back together piece by piece. 

Talk To A Financial Advisor

If you have some long term money to put to work, then this may be a good time to do it. Maybe you have a rollover to deal with or maybe you know someone that needs help. Please feel free to point them in our direction, as we are happy to help them. There are lots of so-called experts out there that will keep people from investing for years to come out of fear (just like last time). In the meantime however… look at that chart to see what’s actually happening in the stock market! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at Michael Traxler Wealth Management, LLC at 952-758-8060 for a consultation, or email [email protected].


Advisory Services offered through Michael Traxler Wealth Management, LLC, (MTWM) a Registered Investment Advisor in the State of Minnesota. This information is obtained from sources and data considered to be reliable, but it’s accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed by MTWM. This data is for informational purposes only and is not a solicitation to buy, sell, or hold.